Tag Archives: Potential Clients

The Transition From Traditional to Modern Headshots

You never want to make a bad first impression. Unfortunately, people will make judgement about you just by looking at your photo. It only takes about one-tenth of a second for someone to assess your photo and decide whether they trust you and want to work with you.

Your online appearance is critical. Potential clients are greeted with your online profile before they meet you. LinkedIn found that having a profile picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others, so it is for your benefit if you have a solid profile picture that accurately portrays who you are and lines well with your core competencies. Continue reading

Three Reasons Why You Need a Professional Headshot

headshotA headshot is always needed because of large social media dominance and online presence by businesses. Because many of our introductions and business relations are done virtually, it is crucial to have a professional headshot that makes a good first impression on your consumers and cliental.

When Do You Know It Is Time For A New Headshot?
If your hair has changed, your appearance has drastically changed or perhaps you are starting your first business. It is time for you to contact a professional photographer for a headshot. As a rule of thumb, your business headshot should be updated every two-three years. As time goes on, we change and, therefore, so should our headshots. Below are three reasons why you should contact Capitol Photo Headshots today for your headshot session. Continue reading

Professional Business Portraits and Your Digital Presence

Business woman in an office. Crossed armsConsumers have a wealth of information at their fingertips these days. Potential clients and employers rely heavily on your digital identity to make decisions. What your online presence says about you can be a deal breaker. Take your online reputation into your own hands rather than leaving it up to chance. Here’s some tips on how: Continue reading