All posts by ReginaMadwed

Why Your Business Needs Professional Product Photography

product photographyProduct photography is a critical and essential investment for any business. The advertising and marketing world has always been visually oriented and even more so today. As it turns out, 90 percent of all information our brains process is visual. Our brains process visual information no less than 60,000 times faster than text, which is a major reason why we tend to remember 80 percent of what we see, but only 20 percent of what we read. To make your website, digital marketing, promotional materials, and print advertisements stand out, professional product photography is essential. There is only so much that can be said in words, and amazing photos of your products are the biggest influence behind your customers’ buying decisions.

Why Product Photography Is Important
In today’s visual world, where media is more influential in business than ever, it is impossible to sell your products or services without professional photos that complement your business’s style, show off the details of your product, and illustrate your products’ value. Product photography is valuable for a variety of businesses. Continue reading

Where and How to Use Your Professional Headshot

professional headshotWe have all heard the old adage that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and it remains true. But what has changed is where these first impressions are made. A professional headshot (executive headshot, business headshot, business portrait, etc) is the easiest and quickest way to make a great first impression with your audience. Your target market tends to buy from people or businesses they identify with. Nowadays, it is easy to build familiarity and rapport in the minds of your consumers before you ever meet them.

Google and other search engines have become the tools of choice for potential customers and prospective employers. An up to date and flattering, perhaps even creative, headshot is essential to putting your best face forward and creating a positive and confidence building first impression. You have probably noticed that Google posts people’s photos alongside their search rankings. One study concludes that an image in your search results increases click throughs by 150 percent. Thus the advantages to one’s personal branding by having a professional headshot attached to each of one’s social media pages are obvious. So once you have a professional headshot that you love, make sure you utilize it in all of your marketing channels. Continue reading

Is it Time to Update Your Headshot?

update headshotHaving a photo of yourself significantly increases your credibility with people who find you on the internet. It innately makes you easier to relate to, and more trustworthy. If you have a social media presence hopefully you have already heard the statistics supporting using a photograph as opposed to a logo. People are more likely to interact with a profile that has a photo rather than a logo. This personalizes your business. It reassures them they are doing business with a person not just another faceless business. A current and professional headshot will help your potential clients, employers and others to instantly connect and identify with you.

When To Update Your Headshot

• Your appearance has changed since your last headshot. Maybe you have a new hair color or style, got glasses or contact or maybe the clothing you wore in your last headshot is starting to look a little out of date. It may seem obvious, but you really need to look like your headshot in order for people to relate with and trust you. An outdated photo is not going to show people that you are on top of your game. Continue reading

Online Photography: Show Your Business in a Whole New Light!

online photographyBlog posts, websites, social media profiles and accounts with images get better reader and user response than those without. One very important element to helping your product or service stand out above the competition is the quality of the images being used. Quality images will impress your potential customers and current clients.

Headshots For Profiles
A good headshot is still the rule of the day, but it does not have to be a stuffy looking headshot anymore. You still want a good quality professional looking shot, but it can be outdoors, or in more casual clothing than suit and tie. Many websites are choosing to go with “action” shots instead of posed stills. Your head shot is the first impression many people will get of you. Continue reading

How to Look Your Best in Photos

look best in photoGetting your photo taken can quiet nerve racking, especially when you do not consider yourself photogenic. Many people are faced with this problem, but there are remedies to make you look your very best. Looking and feeling good in front of the camera is a skill that you can learn.

Embrace Your Uniqueness
Photogenic people seem confident no matter where they are or what they are wearing. But notice that word, confident. It is not because they are any more attractive than the rest of the world, it is because they are less self conscious about their appearance.

Many people lack the confidence because they find faults on their face such as the gap in your teeth, the crow’s-feet that appear when they smile, or their stubborn hair. Rather than trying to hide what you consider your faults, embrace what makes you unique. Continue reading

Market Your Business With a Corporate Headshot

market businessToday, advertising is not just about getting your name out there anymore. To make your business or career successful you have to stand out among the competition by putting your best face forward. From company websites to business oriented social media sites like LinkedIn, you are the most powerful marking tool on your page.

Show Your Personality
Whether you are a corporate executive or an entrepreneur, your headshot is part of your brand. As one of your essential marketing tools, your photograph gets you noticed and encourages people to engage with you. Your headshot photograph shows your personality and helps convey your approachability, friendliness and professionalism. Continue reading

Capture Your Special Event With a Professional Photographer

photographer in actionSpecial events are celebrations that make up a lifetime of memories. Making sure that you have a professional, experienced photographer to capture these moments means making sure that you can look back on your most special days and see your friends, family, and colleagues at their best.

Corporate and Commercial Photography
Having a professional photographer at your event is a must! We can capture professional pictures that can be used to promote future events, and showcase some examples to future clients. Capturing your event through professional photography can provide a nice visual documentation of your event without having your future clients rely too much on imagination. Having photos documented has unlimited positives, they can also be used later to present certain events on websites, flyers, portfolios, etc. Continue reading

The Power of a Professional Photo For Your Website

close up of businessman over icons with contactsA picture really is worth a thousand words. Through the skillful manipulation of environment and technology, the result can be an image that enhances the esthetic side of your website dramatically. More than ever, companies both large and small are realizing that photography is one of the most powerful marketing techniques there is.

Photos are being utilized in magazines, books, billboards, and other printed materials to evoke an emotional response in potential customers. Positive images can create a positive atmosphere for your website through facial expressions, lighting and movement. And emotions are important when it comes to making a purchase. If a potential buyer does not see any photos regarding a certain product or service, they may be inclined to feel a sense of distrust or even reluctance to contact the company. Continue reading

Make an Impact With Your Online Presence

Self employed woman or student working in a restaurantWhen running your own business, it is essential that you create a powerful online presence that makes a lasting impact on your audience. Potential clients are more likely to reach out and connect with you. You may not have a website, but there are now many online platforms where you can market yourself for little to no cost. Many even provide the same results you would get from a dedicated website. There is absolutely no reason to not have an online presence in today’s marketplace. So here are simple ways to create an impactful online presence.

• Professional Headshot
A professional headshot shows the face behind your business. A professional photo can be integrated into your entire brand and indicates the level at which you conduct business. Professional photographers can capture your personality and use the best angle and lighting to enhance all of your online profiles. Continue reading

Why Use Professional Photography for Real Estate?

man showing thumbs up over house backgroundWhen listing a home, real estate agents often think about curbside appeal, selling price, and the local market but too few agents spend enough time truly considering professional photography services. Today, home buyers are not starting their home search in an agent’s office. They are starting the home buying process online. To grab the most attention, earn the best price, and create home buying buzz, you need professionally staged real estate photography.

Create A Great First Impression
It is a known fact that today’s home buyers start their search online, but researchers have found that more specifically, home buyers spend the first twenty seconds looking at a home listing analyzing the home’s exterior shot. If your home has a lackluster exterior shot, most home buyers will not bother looking at other photographs or gathering other information about the home. Grabbing home buyers attention with an exterior shot that maximizes the home’s positive attributes and downplays any potential negatives through photography can instantly peak increase interest in a home. Continue reading