Tips for Realtor Headshots

Your realtor headshot is the keystone of your personal brand. If you are spending money to advertise your profile on places like Zillow Premier Agent or, it is even more important.

Below you we will provide you with tips to ensure that your realtor headshot is sending the right message about your brand. That message should be that you are competent, trustworthy, and confident enough to help people through one of the most important decisions of their lives.

How To Look Trustworthy In Your Realtor Headshot
• Smile – People who looked happy in their photographs are viewed as more trustworthy. Studies show that people who smile in their headshot are seen as far more likable and influential than those that do not.

• Choose The Right Background – It is very important to keep in mind the background you choose for your headshot. You do not want to choose a background that distracts from the focal point, which is you. If you decide to choose an image for your background, make sure it reflects your personal brand and the area you work in. If you work in the city, a brick wall or an artfully blurred street scene can look great while not distracting from your face. If you work in a more rural area, your future clients may respond more to something like an outdoor scene. Whatever you choose, make sure the colors blend well with your hair color, outfit and eye color.

• Dress For Success – Dress accordingly for your target audience. What would you wear to the first meeting with your dream client? It is always best to avoid busy patterns and excessive jewelry as they will distract attention away from your face. You want people to remember you for how competent, confident and trustworthy you look. If you decide to go with patterns, make sure they are subtle.

• Wear Makeup – Wearing makeup increases people’s perception of a woman’s competence, trustworthiness and likability. But do not overdo it! Less is more and you makeup should look natural.

Hire A Professional Photographer
Like a great doctor, lawyer or mortgage broker, a great portrait photographer can be an asset to your business for many years to come. Since you would not hire an amateur lawyer, do not hire an amateur photographer or try to take a selfie. It may look easy, but portrait photography is highly technical and requires a special skill-set that takes years to develop.

Contact Us
Remember that a great headshot is the keystone of your personal branding efforts. Taking the time and effort to hire a professional photographer, working on your smile, confidence, wardrobe can offer a great ROI. Contact Capitol Photo Headshots today at 203-255-4002.

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