Category Archives: Blog Posts

Tips on Getting a Perfect LinkedIn Headshot

linkedin-headshotYour LinkedIn page is often your first impression on potential employers or companies you want to do business with. No matter what your industry or whether you are freelance, employed or looking for work, a professional headshot on your LinkedIn page will increase your chance of success. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. If you are not on it, you are missing out. And if you do not have a good profile photo, you are still missing out.

Why Your Headshot Needs An Update
If you do not have a good headshot, then you are not leaving a good first impression with potential clients, business partners, employers, employees, etc. These people need to know that you are three things, friendly, trustworthy, and professional. What better way to demonstrate that then through an amazing profile photo? It does not matter what you write in your profile, no one is going to take you seriously if your photo is amateur. So what makes a good headshot? Continue reading

Boost Your Brand with Professional Photography

photographyOne of the biggest factors of establishing your brand is image. As you have probably heard countless times, image is everything. Your brand images represent your core values and worth in the eye of the client and potential business partner. Working with Capitol Photo Headshots is a great way to ensure that you put your best foot forward and project the perfect persona for brand. If you are looking to position your brand professionally, it is a good idea to hire a true professional. Here is why:

We Understand Lighting
Having well lit photos will make a huge impact on the final image and in turn helps with your overall mission of communicating the message of your brand. Continue reading

Why Professional Real Estate Photography Is Important to Realtors

real-estate-photographyYou never get a second chance to make a first impression. It is no different for your real estate listings where that first impression is from the online images of your listings. With all of the competition on the market, it is important to have professional photos. There are many benefits of hiring a professional photographer and here are the top seven reasons why.

Impress Your Online Audience: A good professional photographer knows how to make the rooms look their best and make those images stand out and keep them in the “must see” list. Impress your online market segment with the best “curb appeal” possible. Continue reading

Look Your Best in Corporate Headshots

corporate-headshotHaving a headshot that is clearly representative of your best you will speak volumes about you and your business. Having an updated and professional looking headshot is essential Headshots that are done professionally allow you to humanize your brand and reflect the organization’s culture.

Hire A Professional
Do not assume you can create quality headshots with your standard point and shoot camera or phone. The photos they produce will not be high quality or versatile for your needs. The photos professionals capture are going to be the highest quality. Continue reading

Reasons for Corporate Headshots

corporate-headshotA professionally executed headshot or business portrait is essential. Corporate headshots are photographs a businessperson, with the focus being on the his head, face and shoulders. Professionals use them for business networking as individuals or as part of their company’s marketing materials to promote services or a brand identity.

Keep Current
Headshots that are updated periodically, such as every year or two, allow business professionals to show who they are right now, not an image from when they started their careers 20 years ago. Current headshots present a more honest and accurate depiction of whom their colleagues are dealing with. An updated headshot also gives the impression that an organization is keeping up with the times when it comes to doing business.

Marketing And Promotion
A corporate headshot can be used to promote a business or its representatives by adding a personal touch. Especially in industries where face to face communication is essential. Headshots can be used as part of a complete marketing and promotion package, such as on a business website, business cards, newsletters, email blasts and brochures. Continue reading

Difference Between Headshots and Portraits

portraitsA common question asked from clients is what is the difference between a headshot and a portrait? Headshot and portraits are two different types of pictures. Below is a brief explanation of the differences between the two.

Headshots are a professional representation of the subject for the desired use of the photograph. They are about marketing, branding and the business of your industry and are a visual representation of your competence and reputation. Headshots are a high-quality picture that captures the individual’s personality, but is primarily designed to look very clean cut. In this day and age of online living, practically everyone needs a headshot for their LinkedIn, Facebook page and website. Continue reading

Why You Should Invest in Professional Headshots

professional-headshotsMost people look at the pictures that they can take with their smartphone, run them through a simple editing program, and think that they have a high-quality image that they can use to market themselves or build their brand. It is universally known that a first impression leaves a lasting impression, this is why you want to make it a good one. Appearing professional in everyday life is important, but maintaining the same level of professionalism online is equally important.

Think About Your Future
Whether or not you decide to invest in that one great digital headshot could make or break an opportunity. If an employer views your profile and sees a professional headshot, they are likely to presume you are invested and serious about your future. This could prompt them to contact you for an interview, and if all goes well lead to an employment offer. Continue reading

Professional Headshot Backgrounds for Business Headshot

headshot-backgroundWhen it comes to choosing a background for your professional headshots, you have plenty of options. Ideally, you want a headshot background that does not draw any attention to itself. Headshots for creative professions may incorporate more drama, color, pattern and texture providing it does not take focus away from the subject.

Whichever background you decide to use for your headshot, make sure it helps convey the meaning you intend to capture in the end result you are after. Below are a list of background ideas for your business headshot.

White Background
Let us start with the standard. Most corporate headshots require a plain white background. The white background is clean and does not provide and distractions and the viewer’s attention is immediately pulled into the face in the image. Continue reading

What Story Does Your Headshot Tell?

headshotA professional headshot is critical to your brand. You only have a few seconds to make a first impression when a potential client lands on your website or LinkedIn page. Facial recognition is wired deeply inside every human mind. Therefore, it is very much to your advantage to provide a headshot that people can identify with and remember you by. In today’s competitive market, your photograph should articulate your line of business and also define your personal and professional brand.

The headshot is your first impression. From your headshot, people will ask themselves:
• Is this someone I can do business with?
• How much experience does this person have?
• Do I want to hire or work with this person?
• Can I trust this person?

Hiring a professional photographer who has experience photographing headshots is incredibly important because they will take all of these elements into consideration. They will not apply the same technique to every client they come across, the photographer will make choices depending on your personal headshot needs. Continue reading

Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

website-for-businessNo matter what your business or profession, a website can generate business, promote goodwill among customers and prospects, and deliver strong marketing messages. Whether your business is small, large or in-between, well-established or brand new. People use the Internet in greater and greater numbers, more and more every day.

Today, more and more consumers use the Internet to search for products or services they need. Your business will gain credibility by having a website. Without one, potential customers will go to your competitors. Continue reading